Designer's Diary Part 6 - That Others May Live: The Cards
With the recent release of my game, That Others May Live: Combat Search and Rescue - Vietnam , I thought I'd explain the history and some facts behind some of the cards. One of the challenges of designing TOML was trying to simulate the effects of different kinds of ordnance and aircraft maneuvers with counters and cards. Since I wanted to avoid the use of hexes and math-heavy charts, I needed a way to illustrate how certain ordnance worked. The cards and markers in the game give a rough approximation of their effects on the battlefield. In this post, I'll provide a little more background that might help to shed light on the game's mechanics and how and why the ordnance was historically employed. Much of the information here was taken from Ralph Rowley's report called Tactics & Techniques of Close Air Support Operations 1961 - 1973 . Various first-hand accounts of combat aviators helped to further inform my approach to the design and effects of the cards and I'...