
Showing posts from May, 2019

Team Yankee - Autobahn Defense

Since I'm enjoying Team Yankee so much, I thought I'd write up a quick post so you can enjoy some nice pictures of my awful model assembly and painting skills and see how this game plays.  In this scenario, I've designed a quick defensive battle between two small forces. Here we have the Soviets with: 3 x T-64 tank company 1 x Soviet Motorized Infantry Rifle Platoon versus: 2 x M1 Abrams tanks 2 x Canadian Lynx Recce armored vehicles The NATO side sets up first with the objective located at behind the group of trees located near the roadside. The Soviets will enter their tanks on turn 1. The infantry are reserves and must be rolled for each turn to see when they enter the game. Turn 1 - Soviets We roll for reserves and get a lousy "1". The infantry will not be coming on the table. The Russians send their three tanks on the east side of the playing area at tactical speed and in echelon left formation. Only one of the T-64s has a valid LOS to the Ab...

Team Yankee - Hammerfall

Team Yankee from Battlefront Games of New Zealand is a World War III miniatures game set in the same world as the novel published in 1985 by Harold Coyle. The series offers players the chance to battle out the fate of West Germany between NATO and Warsaw Pact forces on a dinner table. Of course, like Warhammer 40K and the like, there's always the aspect of assembling and painting your chosen army, so the game becomes a hobby in itself. If you have the time and the $$$ to spend on that sort of thing, you're in luck - the game's Hammerfall starter kit will get you hopelessly addicted to help ease you into the world of Team Yankee, or as my friends call it, "Plastic Crack Cocaine" for middle-aged guys. I'm joking of course - I have no friends. Rules For those who aren't well acquainted with the rules set, the game is played in an IGOUGO format. One player moves his units, then shoots, and finally assaults. Then the opposing player does ...