Dawn's Early Light: Scenario 3 - Southern Thrust
Today's game is Lock 'n Load's Corps Command: Dawn's Early Light , a fun brigade/regimental level game that features the Warsaw Pact invading West Germany in 1985! In this scenario, the Soviets push some divisions down south to crush the Canadian 4th Mechanized brigade and the US 5th Armored Division and take the surrounding cities. The 4 CMBG consists of two infantry battalions and a tank battalion of Leopard C1 s. The Canucks are pretty decent fighters with the best infantry in the game. The Leopard C1s aren't quite as great as the German Leopard IIs or the US M1 tanks but they can hold their own pretty well. I deploy them in the western area of the map, hoping to set up some clever ambushes in the rough forested area and trap the Soviets in there for as long as possible. Good luck, Canadians! Canadians from the 4 CMBG in the west defending against the Soviet 33rd. The US 5th Armored Division puts one infantry battalion south in the city of Eis...