Designer's Diary Part 3: The Evolution of That Others May Live
With the game's upcoming release, I wanted to talk a little about the inspiration for That Others May Live and how it evolved over the years. The game went through a three-year on-and-off period of trial and error before it finally crossed the finish line. While reading countless mission reports and sifting through a mountain of declassified information, I developed no less than three complete games that tried to address the topic of Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR). Though these early efforts offered a rough approximation of controlling combat aircraft, none of them captured the feel for the essential teamwork that formed a core element of these missions. I needed a system that would take the focus off individual aircraft control and get the player thinking about how to coordinate aircraft actions and their overall effects on a rescue operation. I also had to find some way to model terrain, the enemy's location, search teams, combat, rules of engagement, th...