At a Glance: Bitskrieg
Bitskrieg, published by Hollandspiele Games , is an adorable game of tank warfare for you and your little guy or gal to enjoy. Designed by father and son team, Scott and Miles Muldoon, this introductory wargame is aimed squarely at the dad or mom crowd who want to have fun bonding over something a little more complex than making "pew pew" sounds with plastic army guys. As the father of a two-year-old boy, I have been looking for something like this for when my son gets older. It's a nice soft landing into the world of wargames with nary a CRT or a die modifier in sight. At the same time, there is enough to tickle your brain and make you really think about what you're doing. Luck plays a big part of it but so does strategy. So let's take a look at the components! Yep! That green plastic thing is the map. Bitskrieg has a full-color six-page rulebook with clear explanations and example illustrations. The rules are extremely straightforward and written i...