Vietnam 1965 to 1975: Campaign Game - 1965
Well, I didn't get much time to play my first Vietnam campaign game this week due to the insane amount of work I had on my plate. However, I did get the chance to sit down through Saturday morning and afternoon and get things rolling a bit. I'll be updating this blog with weekly progress. I haven't moved any units yet but holy cow, SO MUCH has happened anyways. Here's a rundown as summer of 1965 begins. The NLF player places a division within arm's reach of the SVN/NVN border. They look ready to sweep down into South Vietnam, which is a bit alarming. I only have a handful of ARVN regiments protecting it. Map after NLF set up. As the NLF player, I decided to purchase 4 regiments and 20 battalions of VC and placed them throughout South Vietnam, especially in the inland areas. The VC are basically everywhere on the map. I don't think I left a province untouched with their presence. It is going to take a long time and it will be a r...