Star Wars Minis - Battle on Endor
I don't often get out my Star Wars minis but I always find that when I do, I usually end up having a much better time than I thought I would. After slogging through The Third World War for the past couple of weeks, I needed a chaser - something light, quick, and easy. Star Wars Miniatures fit the bill nicely in this regard. There aren't a whole lot of rules to remember but it has some nice wargame-y aspects (line of sight, cover, squad cohesion and command elements, etc.) that make it a nice light tactical affair for afn evening play. Deep in the back of the gaming closet, I rummaged around and found my old "Battle for Endor" expansion set with a huge AT-ST along with the map for the famous shield generator scene from "Return of the Jedi". Since my last game of Star Wars featured a small group of major characters ( Darth Vader and Obi Wan ) battling it out, I decided to change up and have a large group of minor characters (plus the AT-ST) in a big...