Anzac Attack: Amgrunts Background
Last week, I received my copy of Anzac Attack , the expansion for Lock 'n Load Publishing's Forgotten Heroes II . Since then, I've been immersing myself on a daily basis in the game, trying out various scenarios here and there. The first scenario, Amgrunts , provides the player with a large-scale battle with a really interesting historical background. Background Amgrunts pits the US Marines of the 1st Amtrac Battalion versus the NVA in an area of South Vietnam called Cua Viet, located just north of Hue City. The Cua Viet waterway was an important supply channel that could be used to ferry equipment and men deep into Vietnam to vital strongpoints such as Dong Ha. For this reason, maintaining control over the mouth of the waterway in and near Cua Viet was essential for the Marines. In 1967, the 1st Amtrac Battalion, was tasked with building defenses and constructing operating bases in the area in and around Cua Viet, As things started to heat up...