World at War - Eisenbach Gap: First Moves
This marks my 100th post on this blog and I thought for a long while about how to make it a little special. The first wargame I ever bought was World at War: Eisenbach Gap and "First Moves" was the first scenario I ever played and for that reason, among others, it remains one of my favorite scenarios to haul out after a long day at work. I'm not sure what it is about this scenario that keeps calling me back but it could be the beautiful simplicity of it, the raw power of T-72s vs. M1 Abrams tanks or the fact that it's the very first step into the World at War universe. In any case, I do remember doing a very short AAR of this scenario a while back and I've always thought that it deserved better. So here it is - a fully detailed AAR of First Moves for Eisenbach Gap. American Setup: I put the two Abrams platoons back on the hill south of Eisenbach while the infantry goes way back into the city to avoid it getting pulverized from Soviet artillery. The ITV ...