Sixth Fleet: Crisis in the Middle East - Day 1: PM Action Phase
Silly me, it seems my first posting on my ongoing Sixth Fleet game is wrong. I believed that the whole first day was over but apparently I've only covered the first action phase of Day 1. Continuing with Action Phase 2 (PM Action Phase) on Day 1 here: The Soviets roll initiative for the afternoon and immediately set off to take out those pesky Israeli patrol boats. The Turks have declared war on the Russians already and will be in the game from tomorrow so there's no need for the Soviets to tread gingerly. They immediately send off three squadrons of T-16 bombers to fly from the Crimea south through Turkey and into the Eastern Med, where they promptly and easily dispatch three flotillas of Israeli patrol boats. Soviet bombers devastate the Israeli fleet near Lebanon. The Americans activate their surface ships and decide that the Egyptian task force along with the remaining Israeli surface ships will team up with the American carrier task force in the are...